主辦:行雲樂集 Andante Musica
Official website:https://andantemusica.org/
時間:2019年2月14日晚上8時 14.2.2019 8:00P.M.
地點:香港藝穗會奶庫 Hongkong Fringe Club Dairy 濃情熱烈Piazolla的探戈,溫暖冷冽的冬季。
行雲樂集特邀旅美鋼琴家施儼珊Gloria Shih 來香港與留奧鋼琴家王美慧Clarissa Wang攜手連袂演出,以精湛琴藝、細膩情感帶您進入情人節的羅曼蒂克,為您與您的摯愛增添情人節色彩。
王美慧Clarissa Wang 鋼琴 Piano
Graduated from University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, critically acclaimed Taiwanese pianist Clarissa Wang is active in chamber music, choirs and operas accompaniment and performed in various cities. Clarissa founded “Andante Musica” in 2017.
施儼珊博士 Gloria Shih 鋼琴 Piano
樂評家譽為情感豐富, 技巧精湛,對樂曲的詮釋恰如其分,優美而不誇張,同時巧妙的融合了真誠又獨特的個人特質。
現任教於 Hofstra University 和 Montclair State University。
loria Shih is recognized for her diverse abilities as pianist and as a collaborative artist. In 2005, Gloria attained Doctor of Musical Arts Degree from Stony Brook University. She now serves on the faculty of Hofstra University and Children’s Orchestra Society.
行雲樂集 Andante Musica 2017年成立非牟利藝術機構。以分享美樂、凝聚亞洲的理念,致力為亞洲音樂新秀建構舞台,同時為觀眾開拓古典音樂新視野,舉辦韓國新晉青年音樂家韓智浩獨奏會、香港拔萃女書院全校樂團台灣公益音樂會等。
Founded in 2017, Andante Musica is a non-profit organization with vision of sharing music of the best Asian musicians with audiences and create an Asian cultural circle on classical music. Recent concerts include Korean young musician Chi Ho Han Piano Recital Asian Tour and Diocesan Girls’ School Taiwan Concert.
錄影錄音:Ming Suet